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"Sitecore: Value cannot be null. Parameter name uri" error makes items inaccessible in sitecore cms backend

Description:we are using sitecore 8.1 and while using the cms backend our content team have raised some issue that they have mistakenly updated some wrong value in the "__Source Item" field of an item and after that the even the home item in that tree is inaccessible and throwing the following error

Sitecore: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name uri

Note: previous value for the "__Source Item" was empty and it was unintentionally updated

Posted by: | Posted on: Sep 13, 2021

2 answers



we had also faced similar issue on one of our site as well. The solution worked for us was that we needed to make an update directly to our master database.
For that we need to follow the three steps
1)connect to your master database and execute the following query which bring all the records where the "__Source Item" has updated as '19B597D3-2EDD-4AE2-AEFE-4A94C7F10E31' is the default field Id for "__Source Item"

SELECT TOP 100 [Id],[ItemId],[FieldId],[Value],[Created],[Updated]
FROM [SharedFields]
where Fieldid = '19B597D3-2EDD-4AE2-AEFE-4A94C7F10E31'
order by [Updated] desc

2)Then need to run the following command to delete that specific entry where there is some wrong value updated. By replacing the ItemId in the following query, the ItemId can be obtained through the query mention in the step 1)

DELETE FROM [SharedFields]
where FieldId='19B597D3-2EDD-4AE2-AEFE-4A94C7F10E31' and ItemId = 'yourItemId'

3) After deleting that entry from the database we need to restart the site.

Replied by: | Replied on: Sep 13, 2021


Thanks a lot @Tabish Usman that solution really solved the problem and saved my day as well.

Replied by: | Replied on: Sep 14, 2021


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