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ngx-dropzone This component is the actual dropzone container. It contains the label and any file previews. It has an event listener for file drops and you can also click it to open the native file explorer for selection. Learn More, dropzone This component is the actual dropzone container. It contains the label and any file previews. It has an event listener for file drops and you can also click it to open the native file explorer for selection. Learn More,

How to display a uploaded image on a canvas using ngx-dropzone component

Description:I have a angular 7 application and i use a ngx-dropzone component to upload files, is there a way to display the image on a canvas after it has been uploaded and then convert it to a jpeg before posting it to the server.

i can post the images to the server i have no problem with that part only the part where you display it on a canvas i have no idea how to do this and since i'm relatively new to this ngx-dropzone component.

Posted by: | Posted on: Dec 27, 2019

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