Umer khan

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6 how check for not null against a field in mongodb using mongodb compass?

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4 is it possible to limit text to specified N number of lines using css?

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Top Answers

6 I had similar sort of problem when I had installed visual studio 2019 fresh instance and in my case the issue was with the package source that was not set properly due to fresh installation of visual studio, so for setting the package source for visual studio we need to go to Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources and set following values: Name: Source:

5 These types of issues are very common and mostly following are the main reasons for such issues: -Wrong date & time on your computer (or device you are using) -Antivirus blocks SSL connections -Browser’s cookies & cached files -DNS cached But in your case I believe it is most probably cache issue but it seems to be DNS cache issue, so you just need to clear the DNS cache for which you can open the Command Prompt and use the following to clear the DNS cache: ipconfig /flushdns

4 You can simple use following code to set/ increase the session timeout for example if you want to setup the timeout for an hour. <system.web> <sessionState timeout="60"></sessionState> </system.web> Note: In the above code 60 is for 60minutes

4 You can use the following code for both IIS versions, it will make the server variable empty in the response header. <rewrite> <outboundRules> <rule name="ModifyServer"> <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_SERVER" pattern=".*" /> <action type="Rewrite" value="" /> </rule> </outboundRules> <rewrite>

4 As per the most of the Browser’s default functionality the field before the password is assumed as Username and it uses the last logged in data automatically even if we do autocomplete="off". The simplest solution would be to set your fields autocomplete’s values as follows: autocomplete = "new-code" autocomplete = "new-password" autocomplete = "new-confirm-password" Note: The above solution will work only in HTML5 supported browsers.

3 You can easily achieve this by just adding the three lines to your code as shown and a method to get your column name. So your final code will be similar to the following code. List<string> myValue = new List<string>(); Range usedRange = sheet.UsedRange; int lastUsedcolumn = usedRange.Column + usedRange.Columns.Count - 1; string Column = GetExcelColumnName(lastUsedcolumn); //In the above line you have got the last column name //In the following line you will be appending your row number string endRange= Column +1; foreach (Range row in sheet.Cells.Rows.Range["A1", endRange]) { Range cell = (Range)row.Cells[1, 1]; if (cell.Value2 != null) { myValue.Add(Convert.ToString(cell.Value2)); } } public string GetExcelColumnName(int columnNumber) { int num1 = columnNumber; string str = string.Empty; int num2; for (; num1 > 0; num1 = (num1 - num2) / 26) { num2 = (num1 - 1) % 26; str = Convert.ToChar(65 + num2).ToString() + str; } return str; }

3 hi Samantha, It would be good if you can provide some code that you have tried so that the answer can be more specific, but as far as I understood your problem you can update the series or Legend item text by using its Name property for example the following code will update its text exactly as per your requirement. You just need to get your chart's SeriesCollection and update the Name for all items in the series collection. var sc = chart.SeriesCollection(); int counter = 1; int total = sc.Count + 1; do { var seriesTemp = sc.Item((counter)); seriesTemp.Name = "my series" + " " + counter; counter++; } while (counter != total);

3 Hi peter, It seems to be that you have minified your css? if so then I have also faced same problem few months back and main cause of the problem is that some minification tools minify css's hexadecimal values as well. for example in your case check out your css your "glyphicon-log-in" hexadecimal value "\e161" must be converted to "î…¡". which might be read by some browsers/sometimes correctly but some will unable to do so. So for a solution you need to replace these values to the actual hexadecimal value explicitly. Find and replace the following chunk in your minified file. .glyphicon-asterisk:before { content: "\2a"; } .glyphicon-plus:before { content: "\2b"; } .glyphicon-euro:before { content: "\20ac"; } .glyphicon-minus:before { content: "\2212"; } .glyphicon-cloud:before { content: "\2601"; } .glyphicon-envelope:before { content: "\2709"; } .glyphicon-pencil:before { content: "\270f"; } .glyphicon-glass:before { content: "\e001"; } .glyphicon-music:before { content: "\e002"; } .glyphicon-search:before { content: "\e003"; } .glyphicon-heart:before { content: "\e005"; } .glyphicon-star:before { content: "\e006"; } .glyphicon-star-empty:before { content: "\e007"; } .glyphicon-user:before { content: "\e008"; } .glyphicon-film:before { content: "\e009"; } .glyphicon-th-large:before { content: "\e010"; } .glyphicon-th:before { content: "\e011"; } .glyphicon-th-list:before { content: "\e012"; } .glyphicon-ok:before { content: "\e013"; } .glyphicon-remove:before { content: "\e014"; } .glyphicon-zoom-in:before { content: "\e015"; } .glyphicon-zoom-out:before { content: "\e016"; } .glyphicon-off:before { content: "\e017"; } .glyphicon-signal:before { content: "\e018"; } .glyphicon-cog:before { content: "\e019"; } .glyphicon-trash:before { content: "\e020"; } .glyphicon-home:before { content: "\e021"; } .glyphicon-file:before { content: "\e022"; } .glyphicon-time:before { content: "\e023"; } .glyphicon-road:before { content: "\e024"; } .glyphicon-download-alt:before { content: "\e025"; } .glyphicon-download:before { content: "\e026"; } .glyphicon-upload:before { content: "\e027"; } .glyphicon-inbox:before { content: "\e028"; } .glyphicon-play-circle:before { content: "\e029"; } .glyphicon-repeat:before { content: "\e030"; } .glyphicon-refresh:before { content: "\e031"; } .glyphicon-list-alt:before { content: "\e032"; } .glyphicon-flag:before { content: "\e034"; } .glyphicon-headphones:before { content: "\e035"; } .glyphicon-volume-off:before { content: "\e036"; } .glyphicon-volume-down:before { content: "\e037"; 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2 You can get the complete lists of controls with their identifiers,types and much more information of all the office controls, which can be downloaded from following Links(as per the version requirements) in which you will find a file named "powerpointcontrols.xlsx" which will have your required information. 1) Documentation for Office 2016 2) Documentation for Office 2013 3) Documentation for Office 2010 Hope this will help you!

2 You can simply iterate through a specified row or specified Range by using the following code, in which you can update your range as per your requirement. List<string> myValue = new List<string>(); foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range row in sheet.Cells.Rows.Range["A1","D1"]) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range cell = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)row.Cells[1, 1]; if (cell.Value2 != null) { myValue.Add(Convert.ToString(cell.Value2)); } }

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4 Microsoft Excel