Sitecore 9

Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9.


Related Tags:
C# C# (pronounced "C-sharp") is an object-oriented programming language from Microsoft that aims to combine the computing power of C++ with the programming ease of Visual Basic. C# is based on C++ and contains features similar to those of Java. Learn More, ASP.NET MVC The ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that (as with Web Forms-based applications) is integrated with existing ASP.NET features, such as master pages and membership-based authentication. The MVC framework is defined in the System.Web.Mvc assembly. Learn More, CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More, Sitecore 10 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 10.0 Learn More, Sitecore Forms The Sitecore Forms application is a powerful tool that enables you to construct web forms on your site without needing developer intervention. It's built into Sitecore and accessible via the Launchpad. Learn More,

Question:How to insert data into sitecore forms programmatically through c# code with custom MVC form ?

Description:I need to insert form data into sitecore experience forms with sitecore 9 and above. I need to create completely custom mvc form and yet insert its data into sitecore forms module.

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Posted by: Junaid Aziz | Posted on: Mar 30, 2023

Related Tags:
CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More, Sitecore 9.0.2 (Sitecore 9 Update 2) It is an updated version of Sitecore. Sitecore released Sitecore 9.0.2 (Sitecore 9 Update 2) on 22nd June 2018. Learn More, Sitecore 10 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 10.0 Learn More, SitecoreInstallFramework SitecoreInstallFramework (SIF) is a PowerShell module for handling the installation and configuration of Sitecore instances. This could be a local developer installation but also production setups. It will install and configure your web instances, windows services, databases, search engine configuration, certificates and much more. Learn More,

Question:Sitecore 10 Installation Error: Failed to Start Service 'Sitecore Marketing Automation Engine' while another instance of sitecore 9.0.2 also running on my system

Description:Note: I have multiple solr installed on my local environment one is for previous version and now I have added solr for sitecore 10 on port 8984 So my solr path for the sitecore 10 is https://localhost:8984/solr/ I am keep getting the same error and I have tried following steps fix the issue with no luck -we have tried removing all the certificates expect the certificate for solr -we have tried uninstall and reinstall the iis -Have enabled all the iis feature that are required -Tired running the following script with no result Get-Childitem cert:\LocalMachine\root -Recurse | Where-Object {$.Issuer -ne $.Subject} also tried the solution mention in the following links as well with no luck at all. Note: I am updating the errors that are shown under logs file on this location:App_Data\jobs\continuous\AutomationEngine\App_Data\Logs Error1: Error initializing XConnect client. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Sitecore.XConnect.XdbCollectionUnavailableException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> Sitecore.Xdb.Common.Web.ConnectionTimeoutException: A task was canceled. ---> System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Sitecore.Xdb.Common.Web.CommonWebApiClient`1.d__47.MoveNext() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Error2: Failed to start the Marketing Automation Engine service. System.InvalidOperationException: This configuration has not been initialized. Please call the initialize method before using it. at Sitecore.XConnect.Client.XConnectClientConfiguration.CheckInitialized() at Sitecore.XConnect.Client.XConnectClientConfiguration.get_CurrentModel() at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitScoped(ScopedCallSite scopedCallSite, ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.DynamicServiceProviderEngine.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0(ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.ConstructorMatcher.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitScoped(ScopedCallSite scopedCallSite, ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.DynamicServiceProviderEngine.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0(ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.ConstructorMatcher.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitScoped(ScopedCallSite scopedCallSite, ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.DynamicServiceProviderEngine.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0(ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.ConstructorMatcher.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider) at Sitecore.XConnect.Configuration.Extensions.<>c__DisplayClass33_0.b__1(IServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitScoped(ScopedCallSite scopedCallSite, ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.DynamicServiceProviderEngine.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0(ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.ConstructorMatcher.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitTransient(TransientCallSite transientCallSite, ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitIEnumerable(IEnumerableCallSite enumerableCallSite, ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.DynamicServiceProviderEngine.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0(ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActivatorUtilities.ConstructorMatcher.CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver.VisitScoped(ScopedCallSite scopedCallSite, ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.DynamicServiceProviderEngine.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0(ServiceProviderEngineScope scope) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions.GetService[T](IServiceProvider provider) at Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Engine.App.ServiceConfiguration.get_Engine() at Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Engine.App.EngineService.OnStart(String[] args)

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Posted by: Tabish Usman | Posted on: Nov 24, 2021

Related Tags:
Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More, Sitecore 10 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 10.0 Learn More, SitecoreInstallFramework SitecoreInstallFramework (SIF) is a PowerShell module for handling the installation and configuration of Sitecore instances. This could be a local developer installation but also production setups. It will install and configure your web instances, windows services, databases, search engine configuration, certificates and much more. Learn More,

Question:How to switch between different versions of SitecoreInstallFramework without removing the other one?

Description:I have installations of sitecore 9 and sitecore 10 on the same machine for which I have SitecoreInstallFramework 1.2.1 and SitecoreInstallFramework 2.3.0 installed on machine and now I need to install another instance of sitecore 9 the older version on my machine, so I need to use the SitecoreInstallFramework 1.2.1 by keeping the other version (SitecoreInstallFramework 2.3.0) in place as well.

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Posted by: Sam Smith | Posted on: Nov 18, 2021

Related Tags:
CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More, Sitecore 9.0.2 (Sitecore 9 Update 2) It is an updated version of Sitecore. Sitecore released Sitecore 9.0.2 (Sitecore 9 Update 2) on 22nd June 2018. Learn More, Sitecore® Helix Sitecore® Helix is a set of official guidelines and recommended practices for Sitecore Development. With the introduction of Helix, Sitecore now provides a set of architecture conventions and guidelines that describe how to apply recommended technical design principles to a Sitecore project. Learn More, Sitecore Multisite Architecture Sitecore provides Multisite Architecture in which single installation of Sitecore can create multiple websites and publish them in the same Sitecore instance. This way it becomes accessible to hosts all an organizations website in a Single Sitecore Instance. Learn More,

Question:What could be the best way to make one site’s code independent of other while using sitecore multisite with helix code architecture?

Description:We have three sites which were initially developed using sitecore (version 9.0.2) multisite with helix and sites are running live. We have these three sites and two domains so our final urls for three sites are something like as follows: 1) 2) 3) That means site3 is running on a sort of virtual directory on the same domain where site2 is running. My content structure shown in the following screenshot. [Image] and my site's “SiteDefinition.config” looks like the following one.(In which site3 is mainly setup using 'virtualFolder,physicalFolder' can be seen in the following code) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration xmlns:patch=""> <sitecore> <sites> <site name="site1" patch:before="site[@name='website']" enableTracking="true" hostName="" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/" rootPath="/sitecore/content/site1" startItem="/Home" notFoundItem="/404" database="web" domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="true" htmlCacheSize="50MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize="0" xslCacheSize="25MB" filteredItemsCacheSize="10MB" enablePreview="true" enableWebEdit="true" enableDebugger="true" disableClientData="false" cacheRenderingParameters="true" renderingParametersCacheSize="10MB" enableItemLanguageFallback="false" enableFieldLanguageFallback="false" /> <site name="site2" patch:before="site[@name='website']" enableTracking="true" hostName="" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/" rootPath="/sitecore/content/site2" startItem="/Home" notFoundItem="/404" database="web" domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="true" htmlCacheSize="50MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize="0" xslCacheSize="25MB" filteredItemsCacheSize="10MB" enablePreview="true" enableWebEdit="true" enableDebugger="true" disableClientData="false" cacheRenderingParameters="true" renderingParametersCacheSize="10MB" enableItemLanguageFallback="false" enableFieldLanguageFallback="false" /> <site name="site3" patch:before="site[@name='site2']" enableTracking="true" hostName="" virtualFolder="/site3" physicalFolder="/site3" rootPath="/sitecore/content/site3" startItem="/home" notFoundItem="/404" database="web" domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="true" htmlCacheSize="50MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize="0" xslCacheSize="25MB" filteredItemsCacheSize="10MB" enablePreview="true" enableWebEdit="true" enableDebugger="true" disableClientData="false" cacheRenderingParameters="true" renderingParametersCacheSize="10MB" enableItemLanguageFallback="false" enableFieldLanguageFallback="false" /> </sites> </sitecore> </configuration> Now we need to separate the sites code so that we can work on site3 independently while another team can take care of site1 and site2,is it possible to duplicate the code inside a folder named “site3” and only site3 will point to this code and other two sites will use the existing code? Further explanation about the approaches we have already discuss the with the teams internally, added The problem is that currently the code is deployed on single location which is utilized by all three sites,now Let say if i create separate feature modules for all the new feature of site3 even then what about the existing features of site3 as the existing feature shared the same .dll with others two sites and if i create all new features module then it will be reinventing the wheel and still if we have to made any changes to foundation .dlls then we will still have dependency, Note: The two teams that will be working on the sites are completely independent teams and will have no/ very less interaction in the future. we have already discussed a suggestion of sharing the same master repository of code between the teams that was not appreciated by both the teams because in that case who will take the merging the code responsibility and if any issues raise then there would be blame game.

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Posted by: Tabish Usman | Posted on: Dec 17, 2019

Related Tags:
CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More, Sitecore 9.0.2 (Sitecore 9 Update 2) It is an updated version of Sitecore. Sitecore released Sitecore 9.0.2 (Sitecore 9 Update 2) on 22nd June 2018. Learn More,

Question:During the installation of sitecore 9 update 2 ,getting the "ERROR_DACFX_NEEDED_FOR_SQL_PROVIDER" error

Description:I am getting following error during installation of sitecore 9 update 2, Error Code: ERROR_DACFX_NEEDED_FOR_SQL_PROVIDER More Information: The SQL provider cannot run with dacpac option because of a missing dependency. Please make sure that DacFx is installed. Learn more at: Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Command C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe returned a non-zero exit code - (-1) At C:\resourcefiles\install.ps1:49 char:1 + Install-SitecoreConfiguration @xconnectParams -Verbose + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Install-SitecoreConfiguration [TIME] 00:00:18 Invoke-CommandTask : Command C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe returned a non-zero exit code - (-1) At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SitecoreInstallFramework\2.1.0\Public\Tasks\Invoke-WebDeployTask.ps1:36 char:2 + Invoke-CommandTask -Path $Path -Arguments $msdeployArgs -TaskName ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Invoke-CommandTask While I have installed the prerequisite which is "Microsoft SQL Server Data-Tier Application Framework" Note: I am installing sitecore 9 update 2 through powershall script and that was the final script I have run, I have installed all prerequisites and solr as well.

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Posted by: Sam Smith | Posted on: Oct 24, 2019

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C# C# (pronounced "C-sharp") is an object-oriented programming language from Microsoft that aims to combine the computing power of C++ with the programming ease of Visual Basic. C# is based on C++ and contains features similar to those of Java. Learn More, ASP.NET MVC The ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that (as with Web Forms-based applications) is integrated with existing ASP.NET features, such as master pages and membership-based authentication. The MVC framework is defined in the System.Web.Mvc assembly. Learn More, CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, IIS (Internet Information Services) IIS Stands for "Internet Information Services." IIS is a web server software package designed for Windows Server. It is used for hosting websites and other content on the Web. Microsoft's Internet Information Services provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing websites and the associated users. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More,

Question:Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.

Description:I am getting following error on a website developed using sitecore 9 and already hosted on my local environment and was working until I have just installed another instance of website using sitecore 9.1 the site previously working fine,started throwing following error. Server Error in '/' Application. Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1. Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace: [XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.] System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e) +88 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace() +6683419 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent() +336 System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) +60 System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse(String text, LoadOptions options) +147 SolrNet.Impl.SolrCoreAdmin.Status() +67 Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrStatus.OkSolrStatus() +73 Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrStatus..cctor() +72 [TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrStatus' threw an exception.] Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrStatus.SetIndexForInitialization(ISearchIndex solrIndex) +0 Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrSearchIndex.SetForReinitialization() +202 Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrSearchIndex.InitializeSolr() +129 Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrSearchIndex.Initialize() +46 Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrContentSearchManager.Initialize() +169 Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrNetIntegration.DefaultSolrStartUp.Initialize() +913 (Object , Object[] ) +71 Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(PipelineArgs args) +469 Sitecore.Pipelines.DefaultCorePipelineManager.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs args, String pipelineDomain) +22 Sitecore.Nexus.Web.HttpModule.Application_Start() +161 Sitecore.Nexus.Web.HttpModule.Init(HttpApplication app) +764 System.Web.HttpApplication.RegisterEventSubscriptionsWithIIS(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context, MethodInfo[] handlers) +570 System.Web.HttpApplication.InitSpecial(HttpApplicationState state, MethodInfo[] handlers, IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +169 System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.GetSpecialApplicationInstance(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +372 System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.InitializeApplication(IntPtr appContext) +329 [HttpException (0x80004005): The type initializer for 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrStatus' threw an exception.] System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +525 System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +118 System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) +708 Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.7.2633.0

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Posted by: Sam Smith | Posted on: Jul 31, 2019

Related Tags:
CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More,

Question:What is the concept/purpose of Layout Deltas in sitecore ?

Description:I was reading an article in which the term "Layout Deltas" used frequently but unable get the core concept/purpose of "Layout Deltas".

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Posted by: Junaid Aziz | Posted on: Aug 06, 2018

Related Tags:
ASP.NET MVC The ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that (as with Web Forms-based applications) is integrated with existing ASP.NET features, such as master pages and membership-based authentication. The MVC framework is defined in the System.Web.Mvc assembly. Learn More, CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More, MVC 4 It is a newer version of ASP.NET MVC,ASP.NET MVC 4 is a framework for building scalable, standards-based web applications using well-established design patterns and the power of ASP.NET and the .NET Framework. Learn More,

Question:How to get image url from a image field in Sitecore 9 at MVC view?

Description:I am using following code chunk which is actually generating complete img tag but I only need image url because I have to set only the url in some CSS property. @foreach (var item in ViewBag.Items) { <li class="slide"> <div class="item featured-item1" style='background-image: url(@Html.Sitecore().Field("Image", item));'> <div class="content"> <h3>@Html.Sitecore().Field("Title", item)</h3> <div class="buttons-items"> <a href="@Html.Sitecore().Field("BuyNow", item)" class="btn-buy">BUY NOW</a> <a href="@Html.Sitecore().Field("LearnMore", item)" class="btn-more">LEARN MORE</a> </div> </div> </div> </li> } In the above code "ViewBag.Items" contains Sitecore items, and field name is "Image" for which I am trying get the image url.

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Posted by: Junaid Aziz | Posted on: Aug 02, 2018

Related Tags:
Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Learn More, CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore Rocks Directly integrated into Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013, Sitecore Rocks provides a fast and streamlined development experience with tools that developers are used to. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More,

Question:After installing Sitecore Rocks in visual studio 2017, when i open the visual studio it throws error "The Sitecore Template Wizard is not installed"?

Description:I have just installed the fresh Sitecore Rocks in visual studio 2017, when i open the visual studio it throws error "The Sitecore Template Wizard is not installed" and it also show option "Select Where to install the Template Wizard". so if this is a must that is need to be installed then where it should be installed ?

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Posted by: Junaid Aziz | Posted on: Jun 08, 2018

Related Tags:
ASP.NET MVC The ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that (as with Web Forms-based applications) is integrated with existing ASP.NET features, such as master pages and membership-based authentication. The MVC framework is defined in the System.Web.Mvc assembly. Learn More, CMS A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) Learn More, Sitecore Sitecore is one of the leading enterprise-level content management systems built on ASP.NET, enabling web content editors and marketers to have full control over all aspects of their website from social integration and blog posts to advanced personalisation, e-commerce and more. Launched in 2001, Sitecore has used the .NET platform from the beginning of the language itself, and has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Currently on its 7th major version, it now runs on .NET 2.0/4.0, and the core has been rewritten from scratch to take advantage of the improvements made in ASP.NET 4.5. Learn More, Sitecore 9 Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft This tag is for sitecore version 9. Learn More,

Question:how to install sitecore 9 ?

Description:I am new for sitecore and installation of sitecore 9 seems a bit tricky , any verified article which will help me in this regard will be appreciated! Note: I have already installed SQL 2016 and Visual studio 2017 on my machine.

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Posted by: Junaid Aziz | Posted on: Jun 07, 2018