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how to make my ajax based content visible to search engines to index?

Description:I have build a website which mainly update its content through ajax requests and I have noticed that this content is not visible to search engines,
need help!!!

Posted by: | Posted on: Dec 19, 2018

1 answers



This can be easy achieved these days by using html 5's history api's pushstate method which help search engines to crawl your ajax based content.I have recently written an article about it which might help you big time.
Make Your ajax based applications crawlable or visible to search engine

Also for the demo purpose you can view the following links which actually refer to the same page.
Home page for crawlable ajax application
About page for crawlable ajax application
Contact Us page for crawlable ajax application
On following demo links you can observe the complete implementation of pushstate and popstate on a purely ajax based page, you can also verify that by clicking on pages at the bottom of the given links there will be url update without any postback.
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

Replied by: | Replied on: Dec 19, 2018


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